Instant Gratification

For some reason, most mornings I get really motivated and tell myself that I will write down all my goals, plan for my future and do productive things when I get home from work. But usually, when I get home I just want to relax, scroll through social media and watch T.V. This is a... Continue Reading →

Step One

I know it is kind of embarrassing but I still have yet to finish The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson probably because I have been going through it slowly. This morning it talked about creating a plan for yourself. It could be financial, health, relational, or whatever area you would like to improve on. I thought to myself,... Continue Reading →

Be Genuinely Interested in Others

This past weekend I traveled down the Pennsylvania with my family. We try to go every year and while we are there we like to drive through the country and observe all the beautiful farms and scenery. One of the more notable farms we visited was a dairy farm. This farm was world renowned because it milked over 2400... Continue Reading →

Comfort Zone

I have been thinking a lot lately about whether I want to stay with the company I work for. I feel as though I am not being challenged here and not growing. I also feel that the people I work with do not have high ambitions and like the security of this job. I was... Continue Reading →

Frame Control

I had a meeting in another building yesterday morning. I was always to taught as a kid to be on time for everything because it shows you respect the other people you are meeting. The contractor was late and not just 5 minutes late but a whole 30 minutes late for an hour and a... Continue Reading →

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