Step One

2f0ea3ad-3e23-4fd8-aec1-c04c243c8e00-vision.jpgI know it is kind of embarrassing but I still have yet to finish The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson probably because I have been going through it slowly.

This morning it talked about creating a plan for yourself. It could be financial, health, relational, or whatever area you would like to improve on. I thought to myself, this is exactly what I need to do so I took notes.

Something that jumped out at me was when Jeff said: “You have to start with a plan, but the plan you start with will not be the plan that gets you there.” This was really eye-opening because all this time I have been reluctant to develop a plan for myself because I was unsure of what to do and scared of it being the wrong plan, but from the quote above it seems that it really doesn’t matter what my first plan because that plan will evolve overtime.

The key Jeff was trying to emphasize was that you just need to take the first step and start because if you do not take that step you will never take the second step. I believe he took this from Zig Ziglar who said something similar: “People that won’t take step one will never take step two.” All it takes is the first step to achieving anything in life. Another quote comes to mind about this “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”

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