September 25 – September 29 Reflections

I would say this past week has been pretty poor. I was sick starting Saturday and still haven't really gotten better. I had to take part of Monday off and all of Tuesday and Wednesday. So my morning routines were thrown off. During my time off I downloaded a new movie making software and have... Continue Reading →

I want to be Lucky

I want to be lucky. I want to be well off, I want to have a gorgeous wife, I want to be successful. Luck doesn't come to those who are lucky. Though that's what people think when they see these 'overnight successes'. They say 'he's just so lucky' or 'I could've done that' or she... Continue Reading →

Monday September 25th Updates

What I'm Reading: The Richest Man in Babylon by G S. Clason. I really like the parable type stories because they are easy to follow along and thereĀ are so many valuable lessons to be learned from them. I am also very interested in creating wealth and this book is helping with the foundations. What I'm... Continue Reading →

Business Venture

On Wednesday nights I am a youth leader to grade 12 boys at my church. Last night was the first time we were back from the summer. I asked them to share some goals they had for the upcoming year so we could keep each otherĀ accountable throughout the months of youth. I told them about... Continue Reading →

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