What is my Passion?

The reason why I feel not satisfied with my current career situation is because I am seeing a fair amount of my university classmates completely stepping away from engineering to pursue their passions. It's depressing to think that me trying so hard in university, spending long hours studying and canceling plans to study has yes... Continue Reading →

Monday October 30th Updates

What I'm Reading: I have always been interested in money and the lives of those who have acquired great wealth. A colleague of mine started talking about a book that outlines how some of America's wealthiest families acquired their money and how those individuals use their money to sway the government. This book is called Dark Money by Jane Mayer... Continue Reading →

New Skills

Learning a new skill is difficult. I am finding that out first hand. I am on week three of learning to dance. Although my coach, an excellent dancer, tells me I am progressing well I feel I am not. But the good thing is I am having fun learning. I have never been the most... Continue Reading →

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