Press On

I know it’s always said to follow your passion or to do what you love because if you do then you won’t have to work a day in your life. But what does that really mean?

First, you have to know what you’re passionate about. Another question to ask yourself is what do you do on Saturday mornings when you have little responsibilities. What I find myself doing on Saturday mornings is either sleeping in, watching Youtube or taking my drone out. Most of the time it’s doing something mindless.

The past 2-3 years, I have struggled to find my passion. But observing my friends who have found their passions and truly love doing it, it doesn’t seem like they’re working because they love what they do.

From working downtown Toronto I see how many people are not happy with their careers or at least look like it. They, like my current self, are just walking through life and not taking any control of it. On the opposite side, I see my some of my friends who are just starting out in their career but are happy with it because it’s what they are passionate about. They have ‘grabbed the life by the horns’ and are in control.

To be honest, the reason I am staying in my current job is that I am now becoming complacent and it’s nice to have a paycheck coming in and watching my investments grow. It’s also nice to work downtown and I like dressing up. BUT on the side, I am trying to prepare for my corporate world exit which is taking significantly longer than I thought it would.

Having said that, if I have learned one thing in the past few months it’s to press on and not give up



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