Own Everything You Are

In uncomfortable situations or situations that take you out of your comfort zone, what do you fear most?

  • Looking stupid or dumb?
  • Saying the wrong thing?
  • Having people judge you?
  • Getting rejected?

What is it? I have asked my self this question to myself countless times and to be completely honest my reason is all of the above.

Every time I would think about approaching a girl in the street or every time I wanted to do something but held back it was because of fear, fear of rejection, fear of what other people, who I would probably never see again, would think if I failed, fear of looking ridiculous and dumb. Then I read a beautiful article last week titled:  How to Deal With Embarrassment: Kill it that talked about being unapologetically yourself.

Who cares if you get rejected? It’s an experience that will help you next time.

Who cares if you look dumb and people laugh? Laugh along with them because it’s probably funny.

Who cares if people judge you? You probably think they judge you way more than they actually do. Olin Miller once said: “You probably wouldn’t worry about what people think of you if you could know how seldom they do.”

People who can make mistakes, laugh it off shows a certain level of confidence people admire and find very attractive.

The article ends with this line: “Own Everything You Are. Own everything you do. Even the things you regret. Claim your f*ck-ups, your weirdness, your unpopular actions and you are free.”

Let’s stop caring about what other people think and slowly work towards being unapologetically yourself. Now, this doesn’t mean you can say or act however you want but to just be yourself without any facades.

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