The Past.

For the past few weeks, I have been trying to grow my social following, mostly on Instagram. I use Gary Vee’s $1.80 principle to do this.

Yesterday, I commented on a friend’s Instagram story and followed up with a question. Now, I haven’t seen this girl in a long time but I assumed we were still friends.

She responded by being offended that I asked a question saying she gets so many people messaging her on a daily basis. Her responses were fairly rude but I did my best to not let it get to me. The conversation ended with us unfollowing eachother.

I was pretty rattled how she ripped into me. It was obvious she was going through something and just took it out on me.

For a while I have been thinking of the past, reminiscing about the good times and the relationships I once had. This experience made me think about this.

I need to let go of the past because it will never be like it used to. You can’t grow if you refuse to give up the past.

The past only holds you back from your potential. Over the next few days, I plan to reflect on people I need to give up. People who I once was close with but are not in my life anymore.

This will be difficult but I think it is needed.

I am not going to lie, this experience left me with the feeling of depression. I’m not sure why or how to overcome this but I have felt down from the moment that happened. I hope with time I can get over it.

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