Push Through

I’m sure you know or have experienced those days where you don’t feel like doing anything. The days where you just want to lay on your bed all day. That is what I feel like today.

I barely slept last night due to a Kanker that formed in the back of my mouth. Every time I swallow it is so painful making eating and drinking a struggle. And from not being able to eat and drink what I usually do in the mornings I have very little energy.

Having said all this, these are the days where you have to push through. My workout this morning was awful, my performance was not even close to what I usually do but I fought through and gave myself a small win.

What really sets people apart are these days. The athletes who still go for a run even when it’s -15C outside or the people who still exercise while on vacation. They do it because they know that their competition will be taking the day off and this is how they will get ahead.

Now, I’m not saying to never take days off because there are times when you are drained and bedridden and need to rest. But most of the time, you can push through.

I am doing my best to push through today.

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