Just a Feeling

Everything is a mind game. It's all in your head. Think about any situation, any encounter, an interaction you have experienced. Whether it was tense, joyful, an argument, anything really, you may not realize it but you have the choice on how you want to react, you have the choice on how that interaction made... Continue Reading →

If at First You Don’t Succeed, Try, Try, Try Again.

Last night I went to the Toronto Raptors game with my cousin and sister. Typically, when my family goes to a sports game, we sit fairly high up. This was no exception, I don't really mind it because that is what we are used to. Earlier this year when my family was visiting our cousins in Alberta,... Continue Reading →

Monday February 26, 2018 Updates

What I'm Reading / Listening Too: I finished The Secret Race by Tyler Hamilton and Daniel Coyle last night on my way home from dropping my brother off at school. Funny enough, I finished the book right when I pulled into the driveway. Now I am reading Surely You're Joking Mr. Feynman which is Richard Feynman's... Continue Reading →

Trust the Process

In the last few years, a common saying heard not only in the NBA but around the world is "Trust the Process." Although I am not sure where this originated from, I started hearing it said by Joel Embiid, the center for the Philadelphia 76ers whose team just a few years ago were almost the... Continue Reading →

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