The Art of Charm

Isn’t it weird that the people who seem not to care, get the most attention? Or the people who show up to a social event without an agenda seem to become the most popular (by this I mean not going there for a specific reason other than to meet and socialize with everyone)?

I often find that whenever I go out, I have a goal, usually, it is to talk to gorgeous girls. Sometimes I have success but most of the time I don’t. For some reason, I get this strange feeling that before I even walk up to the women they already know what I’m after or what my agenda is.

I often wondered if I was approaching this wrong but never knew how to change it until yesterday. I randomly fell upon a podcast on The Kevin Rose show titled How to Connect with people, network, and make friends. In this podcast, Kevin interviews Jordan Harbinger, a once extreme introvert who forced himself to get over the social anxieties and make meaningful connections.

To get over Jordan’s social anxiety he would go out by himself and dress up as a kangaroo. Eventually, he started becoming popular, now when he tells people of his once anxiety issues people don’t believe him because he literally knows everyone.

Jordan has a sweet podcast called The Art of Charm that focuses on interacting with others. It’s great, I hope you check it out.

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