Monday February 12, 2018 Updates

What I’m Reading / Listening To: I finished Carl Lentz’s book Own The Moment last night before bed. Absolutely fantastic read about not letting life pass by.

And I am very very close to finishing Warren’s Buffet’s biography titled The Snowball. If you like investing this book is great but is very very long.

Video Update: Created a video over the weekend and will post it probably on Wednesday. I have been trying to think of ways to change up my videos because I feel they are boring. I thought of a few things and now am trying to think of ways to implement them into my videos

Morning Update: I continue to do my morning pages every weekday morning. Along with my Spanish lesson and 10 minutes of meditation. On the train each morning I also have been reading and using Gary Vee’s $1.80 principle.

Investments: I bought shares in Facebook and Amazon and will be holding these shares for the long term.

Running update; In today’s workout I planned to run a steady 45 minutes at just under a 6:30min/mile pace. For whatever reason about 15 minutes into the run I felt exhausted (this probably had something to do with my sickness). I pushed myself another 20 minutes then gave up. I really wish I didn’t but I felt like throwing up…

I was running at a pace of 4 min/km. If I want to beat my goal I need to be running faster than this for the entire 21km… Looks like I still have a long way to go.


  • How can I own the moment?
  • How can I stop being an amateur and focus on being the caliber of professional?

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