What is Holding You Back From Changing?

Bad SituationDay in and day out you continue to remain in this situation, whether it is your job you are not satisfied with, a harmful relationship that is not benefiting you or friends that are not helping you grow, or maybe it is something else.

In your life, think of a situation you’re currently in that is less ideal. What is holding you back from leaving ____________ ? (insert whatever speaks to)

A significant amount of people remain in these situations because they think it is easier to stay than to change. They are afraid of the unknown. They would much rather stay and suffer than leave and change.

Now, think of a situation, whether it is in your life or in someone else’s that was not beneficial but measures were taken to change this. It could be a close friend, maybe a family member or even an individual you look up to.

Was it difficult for the person to take the first step to change? Did this person struggle (this person could be you) during the change? Were relationships broken because of this change? Did sacrifices have to be made? How much better off is (was) this person now that they have removed themselves from this area in their life? Looking back, was the struggle worth it?

I would be willing to place a fairly high wager that this person is so happy they chose to make the decision to change and leave that area of their life behind. Even if during the process it was a struggle.

Everyone has their own struggles, everyone is going through their own issues. But, one thing that is common to all, if we refuse to change, we will remain the same.

What steps can you take right now, not tomorrow because tomorrow never actually comes, but right now to get yourself out of non-ideal situations in your life?

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