A Compliment.

The past few weeks I have been in a rut, with little to no motivation to work on any goals or side projects. I haven't created a Youtube video in a long time, my 'Instagram game' is struggling hard since I stopped using a social media company's service, I haven't looked at my e-commerce website... Continue Reading →

What Direction Are You Getting Pulled?

Something struck me yesterday, a realization. I like to read a lot. The books I read are typically on personal development or the 'school of hard knocks'. I like learning from other people. With the number of books I have read on optimizing yourself, getting the most out of your day, and being productive I... Continue Reading →

I Made A Decision

After close to 2 years of working at my current organization, I have decided that come September, I will resign. I plan to travel for an extended period of time, seeing the world and living out of my backpack. This is a very scary thought for me, a complete life change but I feel it... Continue Reading →

Monday May 28, 2018 Updates

I missed my first Monday Updates last week because I was pretty sick. So here is my two-week update. What I'm Reading / Listening to: I finished #AskGaryVee by Gary Vaynerchuk. That was an amazing book. I also finished Never Split the Difference by Christopher Voss which is about the art of negotiation. I am going to... Continue Reading →

May 21 – May 25, 2018 Reflections

Wins / Positives I had an amazing discussion with a friend/mentor on Thursday. We talked about my career path, travel, etc. It was so motivating. From our discussion, I pretty much confirmed I will be quitting my current job in September (at the latest) and traveling. Right now I am thinking about Central America but... Continue Reading →

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