A Compliment.

The past few weeks I have been in a rut, with little to no motivation to work on any goals or side projects.

I haven’t created a Youtube video in a long time, my ‘Instagram game’ is struggling hard since I stopped using a social media company’s service, I haven’t looked at my e-commerce website in about a week, even my morning routine has gone done the tubes.  I’m not sure why I have been feeling this way but it sucks.

Last night I got a message from someone I barely know saying how much to enjoy my Youtube videos and can’t wait to see more. It’s amazing how much a little compliment like that can mean so much.

Everyone is dealing with their own battles, everyone is struggling with some internal issues you may not see. A simple yet genuine compliment can literally make someone’s day. It made mine yesterday, and that person will probably (1) never know the impact it had on me and (2) forget about what they said to me in a months time.

But this comment pretty much motivated me to start creating Youtube videos again.

Give someone a genuine compliment today. You never know how impactful a few positive words can be on someone.

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