June 18 – June 22, 2018 Reflections

Wins / Positives Finished Gary Vee's Jab Jab Right Hook. I really liked this book (as I do all Gary's books). I also finished the audiobook Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl. This is an amazing book about a man who survived Nazi concentration camps Had an excellent conversation with a friend who opened right... Continue Reading →

The Endless Loop

I cannot help to break the sense that something isn't right. Are we really meant to be dragged along through life, with little control of our actions? Are we really meant to follow the same path as our parents did? Are we really meant to remain enslaved at a job, living in debt only to... Continue Reading →

Someone Finally Said It!

Someone finally said it! I'm really not sure why but it seems like everyone who is working on my project (both client. consultant and contractor) are wearing these thick rose coloured glasses. Everyone is blindly optimistic about what can be accomplished. It never makes sense to me. Yesterday, something happened, something I have never heard... Continue Reading →

Monday June 18, 2018 Updates

What I'm Reading / Listening To: I finished Start With Why by Simon Sinek, an excellent and thought-provoking book. I began reading another book by Gary Vaynerchuk titled Jab Jab Right Hook which is about how to best sell your products by putting your customer first. I started re-listening to Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl... Continue Reading →

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