An Open Letter To My High School Self

Nathan, You may not see it now, with all the homework, the drama (lol you don't talk to any girls), trying to fit in, nagging brother and sister, but these four years will capture some pretty amazing moments. There are, however, a bunch of lows but they helped you learn and develop. But rest assured,... Continue Reading →

What It Takes To Be Great.

Something I think a lot of people struggle with (especially myself) is figuring out what they are good at, figuring out how they can make an impact, figuring out life. This morning, as I was cooling down from a killer legs workout, which halfway through I almost threw up, I flipped on an audiobook titled The... Continue Reading →

Tossed in Life’s Waves

Do you ever feel like you're getting tossed in the waves? Getting pulled this way and that? One minute you think you have landed on something to focus on but the next you become interested in something completely different? Or you seek advice from one trustworthy person you look up to and begin to follow their... Continue Reading →

I’m Struggling.

I'm struggling, I'm struggling to find purpose in life, struggling to figure out what the point is of life. Are we really meant to sit at our jobs for practically our whole life, when unfortunately most of the time it's at a job we feel unfulfilled or worse, hate? Yet, the reason we remain is that... Continue Reading →

The Flawed Upbringing

Throughout high school and university, I was often told the typical jargon from older people, whether it was my parents, teachers, grandparents, or aunts and uncles. Do you know what the jargon was? Let me break it down for you: Beginning of High school: Study hard to get good grades Nathan so you can get... Continue Reading →

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