
Yesterday a thought popped into my mind. I don't know where this thought came from but it has been pressing on my mind for a while now What if you went to the Doctor and was told you had 3 months to live. What would you do? For starters, the very next day or even... Continue Reading →

The Art of Charm

Isn't it weird that the people who seem not to care, get the most attention? Or the people who show up to a social event without an agenda seem to become the most popular (by this I mean not going there for a specific reason other than to meet and socialize with everyone)? I often... Continue Reading →

Push Through

I'm sure you know or have experienced those days where you don't feel like doing anything. The days where you just want to lay on your bed all day. That is what I feel like today. I barely slept last night due to a Kanker that formed in the back of my mouth. Every time I... Continue Reading →

The Past.

For the past few weeks, I have been trying to grow my social following, mostly on Instagram. I use Gary Vee's $1.80 principle to do this. Yesterday, I commented on a friend's Instagram story and followed up with a question. Now, I haven't seen this girl in a long time but I assumed we were... Continue Reading →

Own Everything You Are

In uncomfortable situations or situations that take you out of your comfort zone, what do you fear most? Looking stupid or dumb? Saying the wrong thing? Having people judge you? Getting rejected? What is it? I have asked my self this question to myself countless times and to be completely honest my reason is all of... Continue Reading →

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