Monday January 15, 2018 Updates

  What I'm Reading / Listening Too: I finished Ernest Cline's Ready Player One last night which is a science fiction book (not my usual genre) set in the 2040s. The reason I read it was because the movie was coming out and my friend said the book was really good. This morning I started reading... Continue Reading →

Be Extraordinary

I read an article last night on my commute home and absolutely loved it. The article is titled: Why Most People Will Remain in Mediocrity This extremely well-written piece goes into length about why so few people will become extraordinary and that to be extraordinary there is actually very little competition. In fact, the only real competition is your mind... Continue Reading →

Try, Don’t Just Fail.

I came across a quote yesterday by Roger Herjavec, a judge on the T.V. show Shark Tank. He said: "I've met a lot of people who are afraid to start a task or take a risk because they are scared to fail. The problem with that line of thinking is - if you don't start, haven't... Continue Reading →

Constantly On my Mind

People always say 'Do what you love' or 'Follow your passion.' My problem is I don't know what my passion is yet so I have nothing to follow. I  feel the things I enjoy doing are not monetizable or at least I don't see them as monetizable yet. A question that I've been told to... Continue Reading →

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